Donald J Trump, here’s some “real news” you could probably use. We come bearing Good News! Those signed below are armed only with Love and Wisdom and mean only Goodwill.
What is this website for?
Vision: a simple, interactive website to air grievances and to publicly forgive Donald J Trump (or anything he may represent).
For example: Dude! Donald! Can you not see how you’re acting out like a giant, scared spoiled brat right now? Democracy is at stake here! Holy shit, man! Get it together! (or whatever grievance you may have on your heart)
For example: Dude! Donald! Can you not see how you’re acting out like a giant, scared spoiled brat right now? Democracy is at stake here! Holy shit, man! Get it together! (or whatever grievance you may have on your heart)
Take a deep breath, here goes....
Grievances will be read privately, prayed for and burned in order to tap into the magic of physical transformation.
The names signed below represent those who are ready to forgive and commit.
[Names are populated once the grievance has been prayed for and burned.]
Ashley Kingsley
Rachel Fox
Audah Thornton
Alicia S.
Gigi Austin
Angela Holmes-Abrams
J. Dunn
Jeremy Gregg
Ashley Kingsley
Rachel Fox
Audah Thornton
Alicia S.
Gigi Austin
Angela Holmes-Abrams
J. Dunn
Jeremy Gregg
May all beings be happy and free.
May all beings be happy and free.
May all beings be happy and free.
May it begin with me.
With Clarity, Kindness and Courage
May it be so. Amen.
May all beings be happy and free.
May all beings be happy and free.
May it begin with me.
With Clarity, Kindness and Courage
May it be so. Amen.